The regular, computer-parsable grammar of Lojban interests me. Lojban has a lot of words in different categories and many different grammatical constructs that make it intimidating to learn.
This is an attempt at creating a toy loglang with a smaller vocabulary and simpler grammar structure.
SubjectNoun ← .+ 'um' ObjectNoun ← .+ 'az' Adjective ← .+ 'ek' Verb ← .+ 'düz' SubjectPhrase ← SubjectNoun Adjective* ObjectPhrase ← ObjectNoun Adjective* VerbPhrase ← Verb Adjective* Expression ← SubjectPhrase ObjectPhrase VerbPhrase StatementStart ← 'vaht' StatementAdd ← 'gut' StatementEnd ← 'vahzüt' QuestionStart ← 'hemt' QuestionEnd ← 'hemzüt' QuoteStart ← 'khut' QuoteEnd ← 'khuzüt' Cancel ← 'üpzüt' StatementSegment ← (Phrase+ StatementAdd)* Phrase+ Statement ← StatementStart StatementSegment+ (StatementEnd / Cancel) Question ← QuestionStart Phrase+ (QuestionEnd / Cancel) Sentence ← Statement / Question