Swaeren wiþin bends ar stowly wendings þat mæg or mæy not be for þy moþertung. Y spiek a Redland tung of Anglisc, so my spelling mæg scow þat.
Y maek work of '-en' ænd '-ren' for al many-words. Þis is but my own lyking.
Y wryt wiþ þe 'w' stæf for 'ƿ' not bieging on my rekoner's kiegbord.
Y bild my lynen in mor of a lowlie ænd long wae, sien agenst þoes hwu take now-tym Ingglisc ænd æddel þe borrowd words aut like hie kuts intu a lief ænd must fit oþer worden intu his holen. For me (and maebie oþer Anglisc newlingen), þat wae of lynwork is harder to ried.
Þy spelling isn't set in stoen (unless þoe is grafing stoenstaefen). Þis lief is but a bysen for þee. If þy ryting luks æddled to anoþer, hæf fun wiþ it. Efrioen mufs her mauþ in her oen waeren. Let þy hoard of coesen staefen bie a syght intu þee.
Noe oen wil understand hwat y wryt, nor hwat y sae, so y am dropping þe fornamen maed for weren ænd wyfen alone. 'Hie', 'him', ænd 'her' swinded from Anglisc becos men wer æddled by wer-name 'hie' ænd it-name 'hie' hæfing saemlie swaeren. Y am taeking þis intu my own hænden and ryghting it. 'Man' is for but weren no more, and 'þei' from Northisc is needed no more.
For one, y noet 'it'; for mor y noet 'hie'.