Bearing Language Spec

This is super unfinished and as-of-yet unimplemented.


"Hello, world"
use std_io;

fn main() {
    fwrite(stdout, "Hello, world!");
fn fib_recur(n: i32) -> i32 {
    if n <= 1 {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return fib_recursive(n - 1) + fib_recursive(n - 2);

fn fib_iter(n: i32) -> i32 {
    var accum: i32 = 0;
    var last: i32 = 0;

    var i: usize = 0;
    while i < n {
        var tmp = accum;
        accum = last;
        last = tmp + last;

    return accum;

fn main() {
    use std_io;
    use std_str;

    let args: [u8;32;2] = 0;

    strlen_i32(fib_recur(5), &args[0]);
    strlen_i32(fib_iter(5), &args[1]);

PEG Grammar

# Minimum required, implementations may allow more characters
Identifier     <- [a-zA-Z_] [0-9a-zA-Z_]*

# These ASCII definitions are only informative
NewLine        <- ('\0D' '\0A') / '\0A'
Whitespace     <- '\09' / '\0C' / '\0D' / '\20'

BlockComment   <- '/*' (!'*/' .)* '*/'
LineComment    <- '//' (!NewLine .)*

Ignore         <- BlockComment
               /  LineComment
               /  NewLine
               /  Whitespace
BinDigit       <- [0-1]
HexDigit       <- [0-9a-fA-F]
DecDigit       <- [0-9]

BinLiteral     <- '0b' BinDigit+ ('_' BinDigit+)*
HexLiteral     <- '0x' HexDigit+ ('_' HexDigit+)*
DecLiteral     <-      DecDigit+ ('_' DecDigit+)*

IntegerLiteral <- BinLiteral
               /  HexLiteral
               /  DecLiteral

StringEscape   <- '\n' / ([\] HexDigit HexDigit)
StringLiteral  <- ["] (StringEscape / [^"])* ["]

UnitLiteral    <- '()'

Literal        <- IntegerLiteral
               /  StringLiteral
               /  UnitLiteral
UnsignedType <- 'u8'
             /  'u16'
             /  'u32'
             /  'u64'
             /  'uptr'
             /  'usize'

SignedType   <- 'i8'
             /  'i16'
             /  'i32'
             /  'i64'
             /  'iptr'
             /  'isize'

UnitType     <- '()'

FieldBinding <- Identifier ':' Type ('=' Literal)?
FieldList    <- '(' FieldBinding (',' FieldBinding)* ','? ')'
StructType   <- 'struct' FieldList

ArrayType    <- '[' Type (';' IntegerLiteral)+ ']'

# See the 'Functions' section below for the definition of ParameterList
FunctionType <- 'fn' ParameterList ('->' Type)?

PointerType  <- '&' Type

Type         <- UnsignedType
             /  SignedType
             /  UnitType
             /  StructType
             /  ArrayType
             /  PointerType
             /  Identifier

TypeBinding  <- 'type' Identifier '=' Type ';'
ParamBinding   <- Identifier ':' Type ('=' Literal)?
ParamList      <- '()'
               /  '(' ParamBinding (',' ParamBinding)* ','? ')'

FuncSignature  <- 'fn' Identifier ParameterList ('->' Type)?
FuncPrototype  <- FunctionSignature ';'
FuncDefinition <- FunctionSignature '{'  '}'